

单词 Uranian
释义 I. Uranian, a.1 and n.2|jʊˈreɪnɪən|
[f. Urani-a + -an.]
A. adj.
1. Pertaining to or befitting heaven; celestial, heavenly. (Freq. from c 1890.)
1600Tourneur Transf. Metam. lxxv, He bent his mind to pure Vranian vses.1619A. Garden Bp. Elphinston (Hunt. Cl.) 680 That concord, loue, and peace,..Ar suirlie..Uranian and Diuine.1818Shelley Prose Wks. (1880) III. 21 Surrounded by sculptures of divine workmanship, he sees the earthly image of Uranian Love.1854S. Dobell Balder xxiii. 90 That old Italian whose Uranian pride, When his great prince had forfeited the skies, Built him another heaven.1893F. Thompson Poems 21 And parting from her, in me linger on Vague snatches of Uranian antiphon.
b. As a distinctive epithet of Venus (or Aphrodite): Heavenly, spiritual. (Cf. the etym. note to pandemic.)
1768Tucker Lt. Nat. III. 301 Genuine Liberty, offspring of all-protecting Jove, and sister of Uranian Venus.1847Tennyson Princ. i. 239 O'er his [sc. Cupid's] head Uranian Venus hung.1904L. Tracy Rainbow Island viii, One might almost fancy her ladyship the Moon appearing on the scene as a Uranian Venus.
c. Homosexual (from the reference to Aphrodite in Plato's Symposium). Cf. uranism, urning.
1893J. A. Symonds in Spirit Lamp III. ii. 29 Thou standest on this craggy cove, Live image of Uranian Love.1898O. Wilde Let. c 18 Feb. (1962) 705 To have altered my life would have been to have admitted that Uranian love is ignoble.1914E. Carpenter Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk 11 Inversion in some form was regarded as a necessary part of social life, and the Uranian man accorded a certain meed of honour.1975P. Fussell Gt. War & Mod. Memory viii. 294 The effect of the revision is to efface indications of the poem's Uranian leanings, to replace the pretty of 1913 with the nasty of 1917.
2. Pertaining, belonging, or dedicated to Urania.
1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. ii. iii. (1674) 136 Euclide..was set upon by some under the Uranian Porch.1820Shelley Milton's Spirit 2, I dreamed that Milton's spirit rose, and took From life's green tree his Uranian lute.1885Blackie Lett. to Wife (1909) 333, I paid worship to the Uranian muse.
3. Of or pertaining to astronomy; astronomical.
1761Ann. Reg., Chron. 194/2 Crabtree, whom Horrox had, by letter, invited to this Uranian banquet [= observing the transit of Venus, 1639].1832Frost (title), Uranian Guide; or, Outline Celestial Atlas.1839(Broadside title-p.), Uranian Society is established for the advancement of Astronomical Science.
B. n. A homosexual.
c1908‘X. Mayne’ Intersexes vii. 173 An appreciable influence in developing early Uranism is the fact that the tutor..may be an Uranian of pederastic inclinations.1909E. Carpenter Intermediate Sex i. 13 One may safely say that the defect of the male Uranian, or Urning, is not sensuality—but rather sentimentality.1947E. Rickword Coll. Poems 58 When blessed parthenogenesis arrives and he-uranians can turn honest wives.1975P. Fussell Gt. War & Mod. Memory viii. 283 A less respectable..tradition of homoeroticism was that of the so-called Uranians, a body of enthusiastic pedophils.

Add: Hence Uˈranianism n., homosexuality; = uranism n.
c1910‘X. Mayne’ Intersexes x. 495 The blackguard of Uranianism may be an able-bodied villain, disposed to assault his prey.1941G. W. Henry Sex Variants II. 1150 The difficulty is..that only the female subdivision of homosexuality has a specific terminology... In England this difficulty is sometimes solved by using the terms uranianism and uranian (seldom uranist) as analogues to Lesbianism and Lesbian.1989Washington Post 12 Nov. (Book World Section) 6/4 Garafola's psychosexual approach to the ambisexual Nijinsky..reminds us that the Ballets Russes helped to make Uranianism, sapphism and androgynism acceptable.
II. Uranian, a.2 and n.1|jʊˈreɪnɪən|
[f. Uran-us + -ian.]
A. adj. Of or pertaining to the planet Uranus.
1844Smyth Cycle Celestial Objects I. 205 The Uranian astronomer must be well stationed for watching comets.1866Lockyer Guillemin's Heavens 263 The simultaneous presence or absence of these bodies from the Uranian sky.1870Proctor Other Worlds than Ours vii. 167 During the long Uranian year.1885A. M. Clerke Pop. Hist. Astron. 114 No further Neptunian or Uranian satellites can be perceived.
B. n. An inhabitant of Uranus.
1870Proctor Other Worlds than Ours vii. 168 For upwards of 20 years..the Uranians—if there are any—never see the small Uranian sun.Ibid., The year of the Uranians lasts 84 of our years.




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