

单词 immediately
释义 immediately, adv.|ɪˈmiːdɪətlɪ|
Forms: see immediate.
[f. prec., or rather L. immediāt-us + -ly2; it is actually found before the adj. as the Eng. equivalent of L. immediātē.]
In an immediate way; the reverse of mediately.
1. Without intermediary, intervening agency, or medium; by direct agency; in direct or proximate connexion or relation; so as to concern, interest, or affect directly, or intimately; directly.
1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy v. xxxvi. (MS. Digby 230) If. 178/2 Fro Troye were sente lettres..To pallamides inmediatly directe.1530A. Baynton in Palsgr. Introd. 12 The frenche men borowe theyr wordes immediatly of the latines.1592West 1st Pt. Symbol. §35 An Obligation by contract is gotten either mediately or immediatlie. Immediatlie by a mans owne proper contract.1598Hakluyt Voy. I. 64 Canow..was immediatly vnder the dominion of the Tartars.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. ii. vii. §8 All positive precepts comming immediately from God.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxiii. (1695) 160 We immediately by our Senses perceive in Fire its Heat and Colour.1691Ray Creation ii. (1704) 428 Insects useful to Mankind, if not immediately, yet mediately.1788Priestley Lect. Hist. iii. xv. 121 An article of information the most immediately necessary to a reader of history.1843Mill Logic i. iii. §4 Feelings..immediately occasioned by bodily states.1864Bowen Logic i. 2 Not..immediately, but only through the medium of what is called a Concept.
b. Of feudal tenure (and transf.): see immediate 1 b.
1488–9Act 4 Hen. VII, c. 17 The lord of whom suche..hereditamentes be holden ymmediatly.1574tr. Littleton's Tenures 31 a, The Abbot shal holde immediatlye the same tenementes by knightes service of the Lorde of his grauntour.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xvi. (1739) 32 All the Lands in England became mediately or immediately holden of the Crown.c1670Hobbes Dial. Com. Laws (1681) 202 Homage done to the King immediately.1863H. Cox Instit. iii. ii. 604 All subjects' lands were held mediately or immediately under grants from him [the king].
2. With no person, thing, or distance, intervening in time, space, order, or succession; next or just (preceding or following, before or after); closely; proximately; directly.
1466Mann. & Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 168, vj. dayes immedyatly folwyng.1476Sir J. Paston in P. Lett. No. 771 III. 153 Inmediately afftr the dycesse off the Duke.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 46 The wordis that ar writtin immediatly afore the text.1668Culpepper & Cole Barthol. Anatomy i. xvii. 45 The Liver, under which it [right kidney] rests immediately.1672Cave Prim. Chr. iii. iv. (1673) 351 So immediately opposite to the whole tenor of the Gospel.1774C. J. Phipps Voy. N. Pole 61 The ice immediately about the ships.1853Jerdan Autobiog. IV. 63, I lost my immediately elder brother.1860Tyndall Glac. i. ix. 63 Another peal was heard immediately afterwards.Mod. Fire broke out in the premises immediately adjoining.
3. Without any delay or lapse of time; instantly, directly, straightway; at once.
1420Proclam. in Rymer Foedera (1709) 917/1 Sho shall take and have in the Roialme of France, immediately from the tyme of oure Dethe, Dower, to the Somme of Twenty Mill Francs Yerly.a1500Chester Pl. xiii. 107 He bade me goe immeadiatlye.1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. ii. 156 Either death or you lle finde immediately.1711Addison Spect. No. 94 ⁋9 He had only dipped his Head into the Water, and immediately taken it out again.1877Watts Fownes' Inorg. Chem. (ed. 12) 213 A crystalline precipitate immediately forms.
b. as conj. (ellipt. for immediately that). The moment that; as soon as. Cf. directly 6 b.
1839A. Gray Lett. I. 28 Immediately this was done I completed an arrangement with my publishers.1856Q. Rev. June 182 Immediately they came upon the ground, fourteen of them were netted.1896Welton Manual of Logic (ed. 2) ii. iii. §90 The diagrams..should be self-interpreting immediately the principle on which they are constructed is understood.




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