

单词 renule
释义 I. renule, n. Anat.|ˈrɛnjuːl|
[f. L. rēn kidney + -ule.]
One of the separate lobules of which the kidneys in some animals are composed.
1847–9Todd's Cycl. Anat. IV. i. 233/2 In many genera the kidneys are composed of a number of separate lobules or renules, each lobe consisting of a cortical and a medullary substance.1883Flower in Encycl. Brit. XV. 366/1 In some cases, as in Bears.., the lobulation is carried further, the whole organ being composed of a mass of renules.
II. reˈnule, v. Obs.
Also renew(e)le, renowle.
[ad. OF. renuveler var. renoveler to renovel.]
intr. and trans. To renew.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 1079 Twelue syþez on ȝer þay beren ful frym & renowlez nwe in vche a mone.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 105 Þe temple was renulid in cloþis and oþer ornamentis.c1380Wks. (1880) 315 Þe seconde secte is late renewelid in þe tyme of þise newe ordris.1388Wisd. vii. 27 It dwellith in it silf, and renulith alle thingis.




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