

单词 ournement
释义 I. ourn, poss. pron. dial.|aʊən|
Also 5 ouren, ourun.
[f. our poss. pron., as in hern, etc., app. by form-association with my, mine, thy, thine: see hisn. These -n forms are midland and southern.]
= ours.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. II. 154 His conversacioun is in hevene, as ouren shulden be.1382Gen. xxvi. 20 (MS. E, a 1390) Ourn is the water [MS. A, Oure].Ibid. xxxiv. 21 And oure [MSS. B, D, E, F, H, ourn] we shulen ȝyue to hem.c1420Mark xii. 7 And the eritage schal be oure [MSS. G, W, ourun].c1420Chron. Vilod. 985 To ȝeue us þe lond aȝeyn þat ouren is.1711J. Greenwood Eng. Gram. 105 Hern, Ourn, Yourn, Hisn, for Hers, Ours, Yours, His, is bad English.1778Foote Trip to Calais ii. 52 Instead of doing like our'n, they wear their woollen smocks over the rest of their cloaths.1861Hughes Tom Brown at Oxf. xxiii, ‘Wer' be 'em then?’..‘Aal-amang wi' ourn in the limes’.1861Lowell Biglow P. Ser. ii. i. 169 Ourn's the fust thru-by-daylight train.
II. ourn, v. Obs.
[Of obscure origin; known only in the work quoted. Stratmann compares ON. orna to get warm, Sw. orna to grow musty.]
1. intr. ? To rage, be enraged.
c1400Destr. Troy 6404 Ector for þat od dynt ournyt in hert, Wode for the wap, as a wild lyon.
b. Of uncertain sense.
c1400Destr. Troy 2203, I, ournand in elde with arghnes in hert.Ibid. 2540 If Elinus be argh, & ournes for ferde,..let other men Aunter, abill þerfore.
2. trans. ? To enrage; to rouse.
c1400Destr. Troy 4857 We haue ournyt hym with angur, ertid hym mykill.
Hence ourning vbl. n., ? raging, rage.
c1400Destr. Troy 4767 Yche freke, þat þai found, felly þai slogh, Old men & other, with ournyng, to dethe.Ibid. 12711 This Othe, with ournyng, ordant belyue Letturs by a lede þat he leell trist, To Agamynon gay wif.
III. ourn, -e
= orn, obs. pa. tense of run v.
IV. ourn, ournement
obs. ff. orn, ornament.




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