

单词 provente
释义 I. ˈprovent Obs.
[ad. L. prōvent-us a coming forth, produce, supply, increase, f. prōvent-, ppl. stem of prōven-īre to come forth, provene. So OF. provent (1382 in Godef.).]
= provenue.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) VI. 361 This kynge divided alle his proventes [L. proventus suos] into ij. partes.Ibid. VIII. 335 He..occupied the wolles of alle men, and the ixthe parte of alle cornes, of which proventus he commaunded lordes of townes that were nye to þeym to ȝiffe an answere.c1460Oseney Reg. 57 Offrynges, and oþer parishall prouentes or profittes.1544Supplic. to Hen. VIII (E.E.T.S.) 47 There greate lordships and domynions, with the yerely prouentes of the same.1593Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1816) IV. 26/2 Þat hir maiestie is lykwyis infeft in lyverent in..all proventis rentis and emolumentis of the same propirtie.1664Evelyn Pomona, Aphorisms Cider 45 A Neighbour having a good provent of Purelings (an Apple of choice account with us).
II. provent(e
obs. variant of provant.




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