释义 |
bronchio-|ˈbrɒŋkɪəʊ| before a vowel bronchi-. Med. Combining form of bronchia, as in bronchiˈarctia [L. ar(c)tus narrow], contraction of the bronchial tubes; bronchiectasis; bronchioˈcrisis [Gr. κρίσις crisis], ‘paroxysmal attacks resembling hooping cough occurring in tabes’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.); bronchiopneuˈmonia, inflammation of the lungs, beginning in the bronchial membrane; bronchio-ˈpulmonary a., pertaining to the bronchi and lungs.
1853Black in Edin. Monthly Jrnl. (title), On the Pathology of the Bronchio-Pulmonary Mucous Membrane. |