

单词 se
释义 I. se, pron. (def. article)
OE. and early ME.: see the.
II. se, n. Chinese Mus.|se|
Also che, she, tche.
[a. Chinese .]
A twenty-five-stringed plucked musical instrument, somewhat similar to the zither.
This ancient instrument was already widely used during the Spring and Warring States period (770–476 b.c.). The number of strings was not fixed in ancient times. In quot. 1955, wrongly described as a lute.
1874C. Engel Catal. Mus. Instruments in S. Kensington Mus. 53 The ancient stringed instruments, the kin and chê, were of the dulcimer kind.Ibid. 182 Tche. Wood, mounted with bone. Sixteen thin brass wires. The movable bridges belonging to the instrument are wanting.1884J. A. Van Aalst Chinese Mus. 62 The Sê..is said to have been invented by P‘ao Hsi.., and to have had originally 50 strings... But the sê now in use has 25 strings..elevated on a movable bridge.1908A. C. Moule in Jrnl. N. China Branch R. Asiatic Soc. XXXIX. 108 Shê (Che)... A horizontal psaltery, curved above and flat below... There are twenty-five silk strings..stretched along the body.1955A. Fang in E. Pound Classic Anthol. p. xi, Of the two kinds of lute, the k' in has seven strings and the se twenty-five.1977Kwang-chih Chang Archaeol. Anc. China (ed. 2) ix. 402 Remains of wooden bases for the musical instrument se have been collected from the tombs.
III. se
obs. form of say n.3
1567Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees 1835) I. 267, xxix milk bowells & skeles, one stand, one se, ij kyrnes.
IV. se
obs. form of so adv., see n. and v., she.




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