Lower Leg

Lower Leg


in humans, the part of the lower extremity between the thigh and the foot. The skeleton of the lower leg is composed of two bones; the tibia toward the inner part of the leg and the fibula toward the outer part. These bones articulate superiorly, along their length they are connected by the interosseous membrane, and inferiorly they are connected by ligaments. The lower leg muscles are divided into three groups: the anterior, exterior. and posterior. The anterior group consists of extensors of the foot and toes; the exterior, of muscles that flex the foot and abduct and rotate it toward the outside; and the posterior, of flexors of the toes, foot, and lower leg. The muscles and skin of the lower leg are innervated by the tibial and peroneal nerves; the lower leg is supplied by blood from branches of the popliteal artery. Large and small subcutaneous veins that lie close to the surface and the deep tibial veins ensure outflow of blood from the lower leg.