minimal erythema dose

minimal erythema dose

, minimum erythema dose Abbreviation: MED
The shortest exposure to ultraviolet radiation that produces reddening of the skin within 1 to 6 hr and disappears in 24 hr. The minimal erythemal dose is used to calculate the duration of therapeutic exposure to ultraviolet light. For treatment using a “hot” ultraviolet lamp (UV-A or UV-B), the dose is calculated at a distance of 30 in. The minimal erythemal dose for “cold” ultraviolet (UV-C) is standardized at 30 to 38 sec at a distance of 1 in. Synonym: erythema dose; threshold dose See: table


Burning, edema, and peeling occur at doses at or above the second degree erythemal dose.
Suberythemal dose (SED)No erythema
Minimal erythemal dose (MED)Smallest dose that produces erythema within 1 to 6 hr and disappears within 24 hr
First degree erythemal dose (E1)Erythema lasts for 1 to 3 days. Some scaling of the skin is present. E1 is approximately 2.5 times the MED.
Second degree erythemal dose (E2)Erythema with associated edema, peeling, and pigmentation. E2 is approximately 5 times the MED.
Third degree erythemal dose (E3)Severe erythema and burning with associated blistering, peeling, and edema. E3 is approximately 10 times the MED.
See also: dose