a city under krai jurisdiction and administrative center of Spassk Raion, Primor’e Krai, RSFSR. Railroad station 243 km northeast of Vladivostok. Population, 51,000 (1975). Spassk-Dal’nii has plants producing cement, fittings used in sanitary engineering, and reinforced-concrete structural members. It also has a combine for items of asbestos cement, repair plants for tractors and automotive vehicles, a meat-packing plant, a vegetable and fruit cannery, a clothing production association, and a felt-footwear factory. A brickyard is under construction (1976). There is an industrial arts technicum and a pedagogical school in the city.
In the course of the liberation of Primor’e from the White Guards and interventionists, the Spassk-Dal’nii area was the scene of the Spassk operation of 1922. [24–852-1 ]