

单词 bi



(word root) twoExamples of words with the root bi-: bicycle


The symbol for bismuth.


B0590450 (bī) Slang n. pl. bis or bi's A bisexual person.adj. Bisexual.


(baɪ) adj, nslang short for bisexual1, bisexual6


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Burundi


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) bismuth



adj., n., pl. bis, bi's. Slang. bisexual. [1955–60; by shortening]


Chem. Symbol. bismuth.


, a combining form meaning “twice,” “two” bicarbonate. [< Latin; compare twi-] usage: Most words referring to periods of time and prefixed by bi- are potentially ambiguous. Since bi- can be taken to mean either “twice each” or “every two,” a word like biweekly can be understood as “twice each week” or “every two weeks.” Confusion is often avoided by using the prefix semi- meaning “twice each” (semiweekly; semimonthly; semiannual) or by using the appropriate phrases: twice a week; twice each month; every two months; every two years.


, var. of bio-, esp. before a vowel: biopsy.


The symbol for bismuth.
Noun1.bi - a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically)Bi - a heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent metallic element (resembles arsenic and antimony chemically); usually recovered as a by-product from ores of other metalsatomic number 83, bismuthmetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.


disaster bi

slang A bisexual person who is struggling in some area or areas of their life. Typically used as a humorous self-identifier. The term originated from a meme that references a 3x3 Dungeons and Dragons character alignment chart and allows one to identify as "gay," "bi," or "lesbian," and to categorize their ability as "distinguished," "functional," or "disaster." I just feel like everything in my life is falling apart right now. Textbook disaster bi. Oh, my sweet disaster bi. You will find love one day.See also: bi, disaster


1. n. one of the biceps. (Bodybuilding. Typically BI. Usually plural.) I have to work on my BIs and then build up my thighs. 2. mod. bisexual. Suddenly she suspected that she was getting involved in some sort of strange bi activities. 3. n. a bisexual person. This information of interest only to bis and gays.



symbol for the element bismuthbismuth
[Ger. Weisse Masse=white mass], metallic chemical element; symbol Bi; at. no. 83; at. wt. 208.98040; m.p. 271.3&degC;; b.p. about 1,560&degC;; sp. gr. 9.75 at 20&degC;; valence +3 or +5.
..... Click the link for more information.


(electricity) abampere (chemistry) bismuth


(networking)The country code for Burundi.


(Business Intelligence) See BI software.



 (Bi) [biz´muth] a chemical element, atomic number 83, atomic weight 208.980. (See Appendix 6.) Its salts have been used for their antacid and mild astringent properties in relief of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, and as topical protectants in skin and anorectal disorders.bismuth subsalicylate a bismuth salt of salicylic acid, administered orally in the treatment of diarrhea and gastric distress, including nausea, indigestion, and heartburn.


Symbol for bismuth.


adjective Slang for bisexual.
noun Slang for a bisexual person.
prefix Latin fo two (as in bicycle).


Symbol for bismuth.


Symbol for bismuth.

Patient discussion about Bi

Q. Can bi-polar be treated with acupuncture and Chinese medicine? Any help would be appreciated. I am a bipolar. I always get side effects from the meds being prescribed by my psychiatrist. I feel better one day but the very next day I feel moody and have outbursts even on meds as if I am not after them. I wish to follow a different system of treatment. Can bi-polar be treated with acupuncture and Chinese medicine? Any help would be appreciated.A. Do a lot of research before coming off your meds. You should consult your doctor about how to come off your meds safely. First arm yourself with information about what the effective treatments are and how to get those treatments.

Q. My brother-in-law named Jacob has bi-polar schizophrenia; please help us by giving some solution for this… My brother-in-law named Jacob has bi-polar schizophrenia; he is currently on his medication and takes them faithfully in a positive mood. We have a hard time communicating with each other and it's destroying our marriage, please help us by giving some solution for this…

Q. Is spending money irresponsibely a sign of impending manic attack? My 32 years-old husband is known to have bi-polar disorder, but for the last ten years he has been on lithium treatment and had no attacks. Last week he bought some very expensive things to our home, without asking me (we usually discuss these things before we do anything).Does this mean he’s getting a new manic attack? Other than that purchase everything else is normal, and he appears and behaves as usual. I don’t want to take him for the psychiatrist just for spending some money.A. Spending money is not a unique character of bi-polar people... Maybe it was a bit less calculated action. If he has manic attack, usually there'll be more things that would tell you about it.

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