

单词 featous
释义 ˈfeatous, a. Obs.
Forms: α. 4–5 fetis(e, -ys(e, 5 fetyce, 6 Sc. fettis; see also featish. β. 5 fet(e)ous, 6 feytous, (feat-, fetus(se), feateous, 6–7 feat(u)ous, 7 fetuous.
[ME. fetys, a. OFr. fetis, feitis, faictis, f. L. factīcius: see factitious. In 15–17th c. the ending was confused variously with the suffixes -ish, -ous, -eous, -uous, and the word seems to have been apprehended as a derivative of feat a., to which in later use it approximates in sense.]
1. Of persons and their limbs: Well-formed, well-proportioned, handsome.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 174 Fetyse of a fayr forme, to fote & to honde.1340–70Alisaunder 188 Fetise nailes.c1386Chaucer Pard. T. 150 In comen tombesteres Fetis and smale.c1400Rom. Rose 829 He was..So faire, so jolly, and so fetise.c1440Promp. Parv. 159/2 Fetyce, or praty, parvunculus.1477Marg. Paston in Lett. No. 809 III. 215 I ham waxse so fetys that I may not be gyrte in no barre of no gyrdyl that I have.1535Stewart Chron. Scot. 23865 This king..Thre sonis had baith fettis, fair and fyne.
b. Of things: Skilfully or artistically fashioned; hence, in wider sense, elegant, handsome, becoming. Often of dress.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 157 Full fetise was hire cloke.c1400Rom. Rose 532 This dore..was so fetys and so lite.Ibid. 1133 In clothyng was he ful fetys.c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 66 Wyne canels..of box fetice & fyne.1566Drant Horace Sat. i. 83 Those that teache in schooles, With..featusse knacks will lewre the little fooles.1570Serm., Easter Wk. 220 b, Ye thinke it fine and featous to be called roses..and Lilies.1648Herrick Hesper. I. 126 Upon this fetuous board doth stand Something for shew-bread.
2. ‘Dexterous.’
1755in Johnson.




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