

单词 MP3
释义 MP3, n. Computing.
Brit. |ɛmpiːˈθriː|, U.S. |ˌɛmpiˈθri|
[Shortened > n.]
An MPEG standard that is used for the compression of audio sequences, esp. music, for digital storage and transmission; (attrib.) designating (the content of) audio sequences compressed by this means, by a factor of about 12. Cf. MPEG n.
The MP3 audio compression format is the most complex of the three ‘layers’ of the standard, and involves limiting bandwidth and exploiting perceptual effects. It is widely used on the Internet for the downloading and exchange of music.
1996Business Wire (Nexis) 29 Oct. The system preserves and enhances the available network bandwidth, resulting in full-motion, full-screen video and audio across Internet/Intranets with a choice of standards, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2..for video and G.723, MP2 and MP3 for audio.1998Wired July 51/2 Some legal MP3 music is floating around the web; in time, this may become the indie-rock distribution channel of choice.1999Washington Post 30 Apr. a1/3 MP3 has been around since 1992, but as its use has blossomed in the last year, the giants of the industry have worked themselves into a swivet over it, threatening and filing lawsuits in an effort to shut down a booming pirate trade in MP3 music.




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