Information Innovation

Information Innovation

A group of companies with offices in Amsterdam and New Yorkwhich acts as an information filter for the World-Wide Web.They analyse what happens in the Web community and organisethe Web's information so that it is accessible and efficientto use.

Information Innovation provides:

"The Management Guide" - a guide for managers in theinformation age. The Guide consists of 22 parts, eachconcentrating on a particular technology or issue facingmanagers. Topics range from Artificial Intelligence andTelecommunications to Finance and Marketing. Each partcontains references to additional valuable information,including CD ROMs, conferences, magazines, articles andbooks.

"The Hypergraphic Matrix" - a "hypergraphic" matrix of 250graphics discussing the interrelationships between technology,change, business functions and specific industries.

"Dictionary" - the largest Internet dictionary on managementand technology.

"The Delphi Oracle" - a comprehensive guide to the latestmanagement ideas and issues. Over 500 articles and books havebeen read, analysed, rated and catalogued.

"Management Software" - a guide to software which is useful tomanagers. Both Web software, Internet software and commecialproducts are included in this guide.

"The Web Word" - an information service about the Web. Itincludes a regular newsletter and databases about Webresources, news, interviews with Web personalities and, ofcourse, the most comprehensive guide to sites.

"Web Bibliography" - a guide to the latest Web informationprinted. Over 150 articles, magazines, market researchreports and books are catalogued.

"The Power Launch Pad" - our own list of useful sites on theWeb. Also includes links to our own lists of special subjectssuch as Finance, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Technologyand so forth. E-mail:.