Abubakar, Abdulsalam Alhaji

Abubakar, Abdulsalam Alhaji,

1942–, Nigerian military officer and political leader, b. Minna, Niger State. He served in the Nigerian air force (1963–67) and army (1967–99), achieving the rank of general and becoming defense chief. Appointed head of state following the death of Sani AbachaAbacha, Sani,
1943–98, Nigerian military officer and political leader, b. Kano. He received military training in Nigeria and England, joining the Nigerian army in 1963.
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 in 1998, he pledged to return the country to civilian rule. During his time in office a new Nigerian constitution was adopted, providing for multiparty elections. Olusegun ObasanjoObasanjo, Olusegun
, 1937–, Nigerian military officer and political leader, b. Abeokuta. Obasanjo, who joined the army in 1958 and rose quickly to general, was a key commander during the secession of Biafra (1967–70). He was Gen.
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, elected president in 1999, succeeded him.